A letter for someone

Dear someone,

     Here I am, watching the clock and waiting for you, while occasionally tripping over my own faults. But such is life. I hardly think you would understand. You seem to be self-sufficient when it comes down to it. Or I am too foolishly in love to find anything wrong with you. And even if I did, I promise that I would not hold it against you. For who am I to judge you?
     Anyways, things have not been quite the same since you left. You lit a fire, and now you are in my every word. I have been having dreams about your tousled hair, ripe velvet like lips, simply made to be kissed and the most iridescent pair of eyes that I have ever seen in any little person's head. Then I would wake up bitterly disappointed upon realizing you are not by my side. And when friends wonder why I am intoxicated by the very thought of you, this is what I say: "She says good morning at midnight and reads books with pictures in them. She sees world in color and speaks to angels at night. She makes me wish to see this life through."
     If you feel the same way, please come and meet me in the spring. Chase butterflies with me. Let us pretend we are children again. Dance with me in the summer haze. And if you decide to leave in the fall, I will not dare to stand in your way. If the people come looking for you I will tell them you've gone somewhere far away. Knowing you, I am sure it won't really be a lie.
    But until then, write to me darling, and meet me in the spring. Everything else can wait.
                                                                                                                                             Ana K.


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