A Friendly Chat (short story)

So I sat there, on a park bench, as the smell of delightful spring morning perfumed the air, and another me rested by my side. I thought to myself: ‘’This is a lot to take in after only five hours of sleep.’’ All of a sudden I became numb, unable to speak or move a muscle. Not knowing how to respond to the presence of my peculiar acquaintance, I remained silent for a few moments. I couldn’t quite comprehend what was happening in my mind at the time, but I can clearly remember something telling me to speak now or walk away and miss the opportunity of a lifetime. After a couple of rambling conversations I had internally, in the process of convincing myself not to get up and go home, I decided to give another me a chance, even if it meant being very secretive. And then I spoke.
‘’This is a fine weather for being outside, I shall say. Do you come here often?’’, I asked, still recovering from astonishment.
‘’Yes, very much so. No, I don’t. It’s my first time here. It is incredibly stunning! What about you?’’, she said in a warm but reserved manner.
‘’That’s precisely what I would’ve said! And she’s self-conscious just like me! Well, of course she is! She shares my DNA for goodness sake!’’, I cried out inside.
‘’I usually come here on weekends. It comforts me.’’, I said calmly.
‘’I understand what you mean. But, why would you need comfort? You seem content.’’ she asked.
‘’Everyone needs comfort. Our soul needs it. I mostly seek for it when the world brings me down. This place truly knows how to me feel at peace.’’
‘’That is true. And you are quite a wise young lady, if  I may say so.’’ she said politely.
‘’Why, thank you for saying that. I suppose my wisdom comes from my time spent in solitude.’
‘’Solitude is crucial for spiritual growth. I used to spend my fair share of time that way. But then I couldn’t appreciate it the way I do now. You remind me of myself when I was your age.’’ the woman said as if she knew who I was.
‘’Oh, that must just be a coincidence. Plenty of people are like me.’’, I said nervously. After all, I didn’t want her to find out who I was. I knew it was going to be difficult, giving the fact that we share the same stubbornness when it comes to certain issues.
‘’ I should hope so. I reckon, you are a kind person, that is still discovering herself.’’ she said.
A twinge of fear came over me. ‘’What if I find out about something dreadful that is going to happen to me?’’ I began to panic.
‘’Listen, lady, I don’t know how you know all these things about me but I would like it if we do not speak anymore.’’, I almost yelled at her.
‘’All right. If you wish.’’, she said in a distressed voice.
After that we just sat there in silence. None said a word. Not one word. The silence was almost painful.  I wanted to know more, I wanted to ask her everything, but I was scared. I was scared that she would find out who I am and that fact would somehow change my destiny, or I would hear something that I wouldn’t want to know and began to worry for my life. That was my dilemma.
But then I came back into reality and realized that I had class today. I checked the time and saw that it was 8.15 a.m. I knew I had to hurry up to the bus stop.  I quickly stood up and said:
‘’I must be going now. It was nice meeting you.’’, and I also added ‘’One more thing, let’s suppose you knew what was going to happen to me in the future, what would that be?’

‘’Keep your mind open sweets. You will see soon enough.’’, she said.

Frustrated as I was, I couldn’t argue with her. I had to leave. But I still hoped that she would continue to speak. So I turned around one last time, only to see her disappearing into the light!  She was gone forever. I knew that I was never going to see her again. And I was strangely happy about that. It’s almost as if she gave me the serenity that I needed in my life. I was finally complete.


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