The Dual Divinity of My Love (poem)

It’s not in my nature to write about pain,
but I know I must, for something beautiful out of it trusts,
So sit back, relax, and listen to the hurdles of my past
A wee las was I, when this lovely pink rose had caught my eye,
It bloomed in profusion, oh how serene!
I simply could not understand why it made me so mean,
Or rather, blue, would be a better word,
Oh, how absurd!

I locked myself in the room
and began to cry, for days without end
There was nobody in the world
who understood my pain
Nobody who could release me from my ‘’shame’’

But that state was far from shameful,
It was empowering, and honest too,
it was the only truth that I ever knew

Taking the time to realize
took longer than one would expect
Instead of listening to my own heart and mind,
I listened to the voices shouting from a far:
‘’Don’t love a rose, love a gun.
Gun is strong and it can protect you.
A rose will simply make us detest you.’’

But choosing between them was an impossible task
Each time I tried I began to crack
So I stood there, barely making a sound,
praying to Heavens
to bring my answer around

The Heavens listened to my echoing cry
and told me I should no longer try
I should just listen to my heart’s plea
and love them both equally

And that is exactly what I did, and what
I continue to do, as I come through,
as I slide by, all the norms that contrive
the rules we all swear by

Rules that tell us to be all the same,
and never, ever, face our blame,
Rules that put us neatly in our boxes
much like the woods full of foxes

Those are the rules that I do not obey,
even when it seems like I am an easy prey
Even then my mind will not stand still,
it will speak words full of thrill

I learnt fast that I must stay strong
and risk it all when it comes to this,
only then will I live in complete bliss

I must defend the dual divinity of my love
by being as gentle as my rose
and as though as my gun.


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