Diamonds and pearls (short story)

   I wonder if I ever cross your mind. I wonder if you ever chuckle at the memory of me. Or if you simply smile at the mention of my name. Because I surely do, quite a bit. I frequently find myself waist deep in the thought of you. You never seem to leave my mind. It’s as if you’ve found a permanent resting place there. Maybe you  have a dandy vintage sofa,  a reading lamp  and a coffee table with a fluffy white rug underneath it. Maybe you sit on that sofa on gloomy afternoons and read your favourite books . I can almost hear the sound of your voice trembling with excitement as you dive into the story you want to relive over and over again. You are the main character. You make the world spin out of control. When you walk into the room everyone’s head turns. Everyone’s eyes become fixated on your silhouette. They all rush down to talk to you. You leave each and every one of them in awe. It is not  your beauty that makes them starstruck  but more so your mind. Your mind is by far your best feature if you ask me. I could talk to you for hours and never get tired of listening to your incredible insights on everything known to man.

   You could tell me that you are the ruler of this universe and I would believe you. Because you are the ruler of my universe. You possess me in so many ways. You control my thoughts and consume my time. You will me to improve myself. I always yearn to impress you. And you know what? I wouldn’t want to live in any other way. I wouldn’t want to love in any other way. Even though they would loathe me for loving differently. Either way, I would not care. As long as I had you by my side, I would not worry about anything. I believe that love trumps hate and that our love is made of stainless steel.
   At the end of the day there is nothing left to say but: ‘’How lucky am I that you love me so well! How lucky am I to  live so well! And what does one do with all this life?’’ If only others could see maybe then they wouldn’t be so cruel. But alas, let them have their diamonds and we’ll have our pearls!


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