Ocean Pearl (poem)


I beg of you, sit down, for there is a fable
worth uttering within these walls.
It will not be long, that I can vouch
Once you sell your soul to the one above
not much else can stumble from the edges
of your bloody lips
You look rather vexed?
Why is that, dear?
As if you do not know about my sins
Dozens have heard it, and so have you
Quit the charade, escape the shadow,
and do make me turn to the loom,
for I cannot weave,
I am overcome with an unquenchable
thirst for the ocean pearl.
Fiona, she told me to call her,
and to that I will not object,
as she is the fairest of them all.
A fortnight has passed since I heard
a lullaby well-known to the wanderers of the sea
I jumped bare and wide-eyed
I ran through the town and forest and land,
until I stumbled upon a beach-
and on this very beach I saw her.
I saw her gilded locks
I saw her eyes- the most inhumanly piercing eyes,
both in colour and in shape
I saw her heart beating right out of her ample chest
In that moment I had no qualms
Clear as day it was
Surrender to the deep dark waters, I must
And that is what I will do after I bid you the final goodbye
Oh, dear please do not cry,
We both know that fire and ice always divide
and seldom multiply
But fire can rekindle itself and ice once melted
will be embraced by impending winter
So you see, I ought to leave, never to look back,
never to return
This I kindly ask you- do not be a recluse from me
Scream me messages into the void
Ocean is a friend,-
he will pass along the echoes


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